The pregnant woman shouldn't forget about that, she first of all the woman at all. And it means that during pregnancy you shouldn't forget about the appearance. Even it is even more, than before pregnancy she has to look after teeth, a skin, fingernails and teeth.
Care of hair
Even if you before pregnancy had dry and brittle hair, to offensive of the second trimester of pregnancy their state considerably will improve. And it is all about the estrogens which are developed at this time by the woman's organism. But it doesn't mean that it isn't necessary to look after them. Try to use shampoos with soft action in combination with the conditioner. Don't forget to use also restoring masks. And here about the hair dryer for the period of pregnancy it is better to forget. And it is even better to remember, about such assistant as the reliable floor conditioner, after all if you are pregnant in the summer, this device is just necessary for you not to feel a discomfort from a heat.
If the organism lacks for protein, hair can become fragile and lifeless. Here conditioners with intensive operation will come to the rescue.
Experts don't recommend to do during pregnancy chemical waves as at this time it is impossible to tell with an accuracy how hair will behave. Same concerns also a staining of hair.
Right after labors the woman starts noticing that hair began to drop out. It isn't necessary to be frightened, it is natural reaction of an organism to the end of pregnancy. After a while this problem will disappear.
Care of a skin
During pregnancy the skin of the woman looks simply ideally. All problems which were before disappear. Such changes are also caused by production of estrogen. But it is necessary to look after her after all. Don't forget to use the cream suitable your type of a skin, masks and srubs.
Care of teeth and fingernails
To reduce fragility and stratifying of fingernails, do short manicure, accept vitamins. And here concerning a dental health it is necessary to consult with the stomatologist who will prompt how to avoid their destruction.